terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

45 perguntas

A Essência, do blog Roupa Prática, aceitou um desafio e eu decidi "acompanhá-la" e responder também a estas perguntas:

1) Are you happier now than you were five months ago?
Estou na mesma...

2) Have you ever slept in the same bed with someone?
Os pais e o maninho mais novo contam? É que eu quando era mais pequena tinha muitos pesadelos :o

3) How many people do you trust with everything?
Uma pessoa.

4) What was the last thing you drank?
Sumo de laranja.

5) Is there anyone you want to come see you?
Não, nem por isso.

6) Name one thing you love about winter?
A chuva.

7) Name something you dislike about the day you’re having?
Tive de aturar as 'nóias da stora de Físico Química.

8) What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?
Refilei com o meu pai por me ter acordado 10 minutos antes da hora. LOL

9) Do you believe you can be friends with your ex?
Não, sei... depende de como as coisas ficarem. com o meu último ex, sim.

10) Have you ever kissed the last person you sent a text message to?

11) Is there anybody that you wish you could fix things with?

12) Could you go out in public, looking like you do now?
Podia, mas os vizinhos iam-se rir do pijama do scooby doo :)

13) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?

14) Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Sou uma expert.

15) Are you listening to music right now?

16) Who was the last person you talked to on facebook chat?
Não tenho facebook

17) Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do?
Quantas vezes....

18) Have you laughed today?
Yup, mas foi um riso de nervos porque ja nao podia ver a stora de FQ à frente.

19) Would you rather not eat or not sleep?
Não comer.

20) What do you normally drink in the morning?
Leite com muito chocolate

21) Do you believe that all boys are the same?
Até que um deles me prove o contrário, vá meninos estou à espera!

22) Did you drink any alcohol this week?

23) Do you like to cuddle?
Acho que nenhuma mulher responderia não xD

24) Would you ever try being a vegetarian?
Só não sou porque os meus pais não querem enquanto eu não tiver "acabado de crescer", mesmo que eu ache que mais alta não fico.

25) Do you like your bed?

26) Are you busy tomorrow?

27) If YOU (not your parents) won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
não tenho ideias

28) Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?
alguem na estação de comboios.

29) Is it cute when guys/girl kiss you on your forehead?
é tão fofo

30) Will you propose in a small, intimate way, or a big-scale, over-the-top way?
intimate e over-the-top ao mesmo tempo.

31) What’s bothering you right now?
que estou com sono e não quero dormir

32) What were you doing at 12 am last night?
Estava na net

33) Do you drink more apple or orange juice?

34) You kissed someone today, didn’t you?
Beijar, beijar... não

35) Do you have any plans for the weekend?

36) Who is the first person you texted this morning?
A  BFF xD.

37) Is it more common for you to follow your heart or your mind?
a cabeça, já tive e dei bastantes desgostos por causa disso.

38) When was the last time you gave your number to someone?
conheci agora a nova turma, dei o meu numero a montes de gente

39) Have you ever wanted to tell someone something, but didn’t?

40) What’s something you really want right now?
After eight's
Dormir (por esta ordem)

41) Are you a mean person?
consigo ser quando quero.

42) Do you hate the last boy/man you had a conversation with?

43) What’s your wallpaper on your phone?
Uma foto minha

44) What do you hear right now?
Iris - Goo goo dolls, xD

45) Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Não foi bem quebrar, foi mais rachar...
Fogo, estava a ver que nunca mais! Bolas!


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